Monday, January 31, 2011

Why I Design

"The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation."  
Mark Twain
I will never be a scientist, create a new democracy, find a cure for illness, or discover a new universe.  My mind is not made for discoveries that will change the world or alter the course of history.  I am no politician (though a lover of public speaking), no pastor (though spiritual), nor great explorer (though adventurous). 

For a time, I thought I ought to strive for more than making things look good.  But you know what?

"Logic will get you from A to B. 
Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein

That is why I decorate for a living.  My imagination never stops, my mind is always sorting colors and fabrics and shapes.  And making a person happy by creating surroundings that resonate with that person -- well, that is my contribution to world peace.  I simply love it.

Why do you do what you do?

Talk to you soon,


  1. Carol I retired this year, but we creative types never stop thinking, creating, decorating!!! I was a design consultant for over 30yrs, now I am doing my own thing and blogging about some of the tricks and way of thinking that I have acquired over my lifetime. I love to inspire and to be inspired!! I like to blog hop to the 30 somethings blog because they have a fresh take on so many things. I could go on and on about this very subject. It is in my very being to create and make something more beautiful!! I feel so blessed to see the potential not only in interiors but in people!! I am glad we are kindred spirits and it is so fun getting to know you better, Kathysue

  2. What a great way to get us thinking. I used to work for a major sewing machine company and that provided me with my vacation vocation. However, it required lots of travel and I had reached the end of that journey! So to stay home, I had to take a job that isn't bad, not great, pays the bills and provides insurance. In a couple of years, I'll go back to the sewing in some form or fashion. It's in my blood. Your post tho has made me reconsider the couple of years. Sooner would be better.
