Sunday, January 9, 2011

Before and After: My Chair Gets a Facelift

To know me is to know that nothing ever stays the same.  The fact that my family lives with this reality on a daily basis is proof that they all have a special spot reserved for them in heaven (where no one is allowed to repaint or reupholster or sew anything).

I knew the fabric for this chair wasn't right when I ordered it, but I had a look in my head, and well, that leads to a search and more ordering.   So, when my new fabric came in the week before Christmas, when everyone needs a good reupholstery project to add to the chaos, I took my four-legged friend to the basement and started on a face lift.  I thought you might like to see the process...

First up, stripping off all the welting, and this little tool is the only thing to use for removing nails and staples.  It saves you from making healthy divots in your fingers (don't ever use a screwdriver -- way dangerous -- trust me, I know this too well).

Here is my girl ready to go.  The color, which doesn't show well here, is a pretty bluegreen, just not the right one, and far too boring.

I decided to use two fabrics for more interest.  I've mentioned before that my personal style is Traditional meets English meets French (tossed with a splash of contemporary).  I wanted the foreigners to sit together comfortably on this chair, so I combined a check and an English floral on a European frame.  Without narrative, let me take you through the steps...

When it comes to reupholstery, I'm a bit anal (okay, I'm anal about this and sewing -- I can't help it.  Can you say OCD?)  See how the welt "stripes" line up with the seat cushion?  Seriously, that's what you should look for in a quality piece of upholstery.  That's one of the differences in the price tags on furniture.


And here she is, finished and back home in the living room.  All she needs now is a contemporary pillow plopped on her seat and she will be totally me.  Until I decide to change her.
If you like to work with your hands, what's your favorite kind of project?

Talk to you soon,


  1. Okay, I'm impressed! I loved seeing your process. How wonderful it must be to have that talent... I would be changing my upholstery all the time if I could do it myself. Great job ... nice post!

  2. That looks great. How did you attach the welting?

  3. The welting I took off was attached with staples, but I glued it on, being careful not to get it on the frame. I think welting is the only way to go -- I don't like seeing gimp used -- it looks unprofessional to me. Unless, of course, it is critical to the look or design.

  4. Carol, your chair looks great, so professional.I'm very impressed, it doesn't look that easy. Great choice of fabric mixes too.

    I got my new camera last June, but have still been learning how to use it. I'm finally getting a little more used to shooting on Manual & changing the settings. I will conquer it!

  5. This is amazing...I know that you said that you glued on the welting, but when...I am scratching my head trying to figure it out! Wonderful fabrics, wonderful craftmanship and wonderful outcome. Just great!

  6. Gorgeous! That's perfect for your house! I have no idea how to re-upholster but would love to learn.

  7. Totally impressed~ adore the lovely combo, Carol!!

  8. Totally impressed. The fabric combo is perfect. I have got to learn to use the welting foot for my machine..

  9. That is gorgeous! Very well done! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx

  10. Ah, again you amaze me...I am inspired! Since I was along on many shopping trips seeking the right "dress" for that girl I have a special place in my heart for her. She looks amazing and I love the fabric choices! Just please tell me, when do you find the time to do these amazing projects?

  11. I love the fabric you picked- looks beautiful!

  12. Beautiful! I love the soft color combination.
