Friday, January 14, 2011

Feeling Like I'm in Slow Motion

"As you stand at the starting line of this new year, I hope for you a slow and steady race, 
one with a manageable pace, one with joys and blessings, one with love and lessons."

This is what I wrote in my new year's post.  High hopes for a slow and steady pace, with more balance in my life.  Family, work, blogging, projects, everything in moderation.  How's it going? I feel more like this...


I did 20 minutes on the elliptical in the basement tonight to start getting more exercise.  Torture, I tell you.  Now mind you, this past fall, this was me (okay, minus the exercise)...

I was going at a ridiculous pace.  I should be stick skinny for the energy expended.  No such luck.  But when the holidays were passed and the new year begun, I thought I'd get right back on the wheel, albeit at a slower and steadier pace.  Not so much.  Except for work.  Sometimes, life just demands slowing down.  That's where I'm at right now, and I like it, I think.  So what have I been up to?

Obviously, not blogging every night, but I will pick up that pace shortly.  Instead, I've been doing more cooking, my twin passion to design.  Here are a couple of things that I've served up around here lately...

roasted boneless turkey breast stuffed and wrapped with proscutto and sage

kale and bean soup, with carrots, orzo, tomatoes and onions

Oh, and this box of fabric was served up to me by my friend Glen...

This is the drapery fabric for the dining room I've been working on for him.  Can I tell you this?...Never, if you value your life, hand a box of rumpled, crumpled fabric for drapery to your fabricator, unless you are sure beyond a doubt that she will not kill you on the spot for such a mess!  He is lucky.  I tell you, he is lucky.  So, I have been pressing 13 yards of fabric as I begin work on this soon-to-be installed window treatment project.  For the love of friends, the things we do!!

So, that's what I've been up to.  A slow and mellow start to 2011, for sure.  I know a faster pace is coming.  I'll be in the basement exercising and getting ready to take it on.  Hmm.  Maybe.  How about you?  Did you race out of the gate?

Talk to you soon,


  1. Carol, I quit the race years ago. I find that slow and steady seems to go further in my life. Now mentally I am racing as you saw on what is on my mind post. I love thinking of ideas, afterall that is what people paid me for, for years. Ideas!!! I still can't believe I got to do what I love. I am doing bits and pieces of what is on my mind and loving it!!Life is pretty good right now!!! Kathysue
    PS Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. No man, it's January. All week I've been feeling overwhelmed with what I have to do so I've really not done that much (except write a dramatic post that I wonder if I'll regret at some point :)
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment Carol!

  3. OMG, that box of fabric. That's going to look perfect in that dining room but I hope you have a mangle.

    I'm really feeling the effects of winter and I'm in hibernation I think.

  4. I have been forced to go at a much slower rate because of my shoulder surgery. I had great plans.....tons of projects, a new treadmill was purchased, etc. But now the busiest part of my week is going to therapy twice a week....hurry up and heal shoulder!
    p.s. love that is going to be beautiful after all that ironing...

  5. You look like a great cook! That turkey breast looks delicious, as does the soup. Do you share recipes?

  6. I'm sorry I'm late to the party but I have been out of the commenting loop all weekend.

    I think it takes DAILY reminders and intentionality to slow down. Sometimes a re-commitment every hour. Life is short and I don't want to miss it flying around doing things I think others expect of me. Stay strong!
