Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Window Wednesday: A View Outside

Since there were no reader submissions this week, here's a look outside my windows this morning, southwest of Boston...

This, above, is what I was looking at as I sipped my morning coffee in the kitchen.  And below, a view of our front lawn.  In the front yard, it's hard to get an accurate look at how much snow there really is, but the patio table above should give you a pretty good idea!

I'm now off to have lunch with my man, as the girls are off with their friends on the frozen tundra.  I made a chicken soup and a kale and white bean soup this morning after helping with some shoveling.  Yum.  The bread is in the oven.  The kitchen is calling, gotta run...

Oh, but first...

If you would like me to solve a window issue, suggest a treatment,  critique what you have, or anything window related, please send me an email and picture to  The only requirement is that you 1.  Become a Follower in the right hand column, or let me know that you already are, and 2.  Leave a comment on a Window Wednesday post.

Stay safe wherever you are today and,

Talk to you soon,


  1. Pretty crazy all this snow that is falling where you are. I am cold and I am in sunny California! I do think the snow looks beautiful!

  2. Carol love the images, snow and frigid weather here as well!!

    Also, I have a Great New Giveaway from Blydesign! Come and enter!

    Art by Karena

  3. Just found your blog. Love it. I may be submitting a photo for a window dilemma soon!
