Monday, November 29, 2010

My Sleigh is in Reverse

This is me asking you to be patient with my lack of good stuff to read.  I feel really crummy.  A cold/flu-type thing that's lasted almost 2 weeks is still hanging on and I am exhausted beyond measure.   I've little decorating spirit when every year by this date I am fully decorated and starting to plan my menus.

In fact, the other day I posted about a wreath I did.  I actually really disliked it and was too pooped to feel creative, but I did it and posted about it any way.  I couldn't stand it. I deleted it.

So tonight I attempted my mantle.  Big mistake.  I have the ugliest fireplace/lack-of-mantle known to man.  Every idea I had tonight to try to make it look fabulous was stupid.  Even my girls, usually supportive, rolled their eyes.  My sleigh really is in reverse.

Though I've been trying to rally and give you some good stuff,  I know when to roll my own eyes at my sad creative attempts and call it a day.  I'm off to have my tea.  

Talk to you soon,


  1. Great headline and I'm happy to know that I'm not the only I'd-rather-get-someone-to-do-it-for-me than do it myself gal out there :)
    Feel better soon!

    ps. Thanks for your sweet comment on my post today

  2. Just popped over from Rhoda's.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. I love this glimpse of your mantel and know it will all come together, when you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.

  3. A sleigh in reverse can be a good thing sometimes. Put it in neutral, close eyes, breathe deeply....A concoction mixed into hot tea also helps - a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves; honey and lemon stirred in. Sip and... ahhhh...Relax). Now that is the way to begin the holiday. Hope you are feeling better!

  4. Feel better soon. I think my sleigh is in reverse too, although I'm not sick, it's the thought of all the chaos..

  5. Feel better soon. I think my sleigh is in reverse too, although I'm not sick, it's the thought of all the chaos..

  6. But you made a really yummy looking cake:)
    Feel better soon!

  7. Look at all the blog love you're getting!! You've gotta love the bloggers.

    You poor thing--I just assumed you were better since you were still posting! So sorry, my friend. Blogging is such a weird realm to live in because sometimes you find yourself doing things you would never do because of the pressure-of-the-next-post. Take care of yourself and we'll all be here when you get back!! xoxo, abby

    P.S. Thanks for your comment tonight!

  8. I just added your web page to my favorites. I like reading your posts. Thanks!
