Sunday, November 7, 2010

Creating Inexpensive Artwork

When you can't find what you want for artwork, either because the subject matter isn't readily available or it doesn't fit your budget when you do find it...create it!  It really is pretty easy.  Here's the story behind the super inexpensive artwork I have in my living room...

I have really grown fond of using birds in my own decorating (I know, I know, some people are totally freaked out by the very thought of birds in a house, but I love it.)  Why?  Because when we took our girls on vacation at age 4, they were totally enamored by these little sparrow-like birds that hung around the pool area of our hotel.  Everywhere we went on that vacation, the girls would think the same birds followed them because they saw them everywhere (any place that served food outside, that is). The point?  Having reminders of that sweet time makes me happy.  So I have a few birds in my decor. 

Anyway, I wanted 6 pieces of artwork to flank my sofa, 3 on each side.  This was my inspiration, at $229 a pop -- a little beyond my budget for 6 of them.  (Available here.)

So, being a make-it-yourself-er from way back in the day, I went on a hunt to find a book that would provide me with some "prints" that I could frame.  The heavens parted and a light shone down on this baby, for $3.99 at a discount store, one day when I actually wasn't looking for it.  (Much like love, don't you think -- you find it when you're not looking?)  I digress (again).  Here's the book...

The pages had no copy, save the text notes by Audubon, so they looked very similar to my inspiration.  Next came the sagey-olivey double mats at $5 each from Michael's craft store, along with $5 clearance frames.  Can you say "making mamma's day?"  I love the frames because they are sort of branchy looking, and I thought that added the perfect texture.  They also add balance to the darker wood pieces on the opposite side of the room.

I chose the bird "prints", or pages, which worked the best with my colors.  Here is one of them close up...

Ok, maybe not quite as rich looking as the inspiration, but I'm really happy with the outcome.  When a few changes are made to the living room in the coming months, I'll photograph the whole wall so you can appreciate the symmetry they provide.  (Sorry for the lack of accurate colors in the images in this post today!)

The very best part?  My grand total was a mere $63.99, as compared to $1,374 for my inspiration!  Can't beat that.  Ok, the caveat?  Beautifully executed artwork, be they prints or originals, always trumps an imitation.  But, there's always something for every budget!

What's your best artwork creation?

Oh, and don't forget to check out Window Wednesday this week for the first reader dilemma! (Please feel free to submit your challenges and photos to me any time at

Talk to you soon,

One more thing!  Vignette Design is celebrating one year today with a giveaway -- check out her GORGEOUS blog :)!  I also linked today's post to Colour Me Happy -- check that out, too!


  1. Hi Carol. I love your bird prints and great looking frames too! Doesn't this sort of thing make you proud? Love the story about your little girls and the 'birds following them'! :)
    I have lots of birds and bird pictures in my home too. I have some antique bird prints going up the wall at our stairs!
    Hope you've had a great weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I've found myself using birds a lot lately! Love your DIY -- you should link it up to Maria's inexpensive art series!

  3. Carol, they look fabulous!! I just did the same thing with some interior illustrations that I found in a decorating book...such an easy and inexpensive fix -

  4. Hi,

    Super idea. I have framed pages from a book of Mary Engelbritt Christmas prints and they turned out nicely - a fun and inexpensive way to change out art for holiday decorating...not nearly as elegant as your lovely bird prints - very pretty!

  5. How beautiful and I love the way they look in your living room!!

    love the fresh greens and the did a great job greening the container...

  7. Thought that I would check out your website. I love your work. Love the chocolate, chinoissere print, the leopard, and now these beautiful bird prints. I looked and looked for a book like this....the heavens did open for you!!!!
