Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Introducing...Window Wednesday!

A reader left a comment last week about a window treatment dilemma, which lead me to think that it might be nice to dedicate a day of the week, for the near future, to all things window.  So, I bring you ....

Window Wednesday!  

And this is where you, my loyal and new readers, come in...

Do you have a window treatment dilemma?  Want to share a treatment you've done that solves a particular challenge?  Want some advice?  Every Wednesday, I will pick a reader's submission to share.  Please send me your questions or window decorating challenge along with a picture of the window and your room.  Maybe you just want an opinion on what you've done?  We can do that, too.  Every Wednesday, I will write a post from what you've sent.  I think we could all have a little fun and maybe learn something and perhaps  be inspired by each other.

I'll kick off this Inaugural Window Wednesday by sharing a window treatment I did a few years back for Terrazza, a beautiful home and garden store in Franklin, Mass.

The goal was to make this section of the store feel like a you were shopping in a living room for their annual Christmas Open House (which is this weekend, by the way, Friday Nov. 5th through Sunday, November 7th).  It was a no-sew treatment, fabricated from yards of red and gold damask stapled to a pine cornice board I had made, with brackets hidden underneath.  I literally created and stapled as I went along (I had no measurements, no real plan when I went up on the ladder -- thank heavens Charlie, the owner of the store, had a great sense of humor and a lot of patience when I'd say, "Charlie, it'll be great, don't worry, I have a plan!")  Really, Charlie knew me well enough to know that I'd be making it up, he was just good enough to go out on a limb and let me do my thing.

The panels were bound at the top with strips of fabric and the tops fanned to created a pouf.  I did the pouf to accentuate the pre-made greenery arrangements the store was selling.  I stuck the stems under the tie around the panel, and finished each off with a gold bow.  Here's a close up (forgive the image quality :)

 Here's another view, with the window to the right as you entered the store...

This was one of the most fun projects!  I do miss styling the displays in that store.  You should check it out if you're in the area this weekend.  The store is no longer in this particular location, its grown into a bigger space, but it's still gorgeous!  Find Terrazza at Franklin Village Plaza, Franklin, Mass. 508.528.0977 (They are having trouble with their website).

With the holidays around the corner, I think these images are a good way to help get us motivated to decorate our windows in the upcoming weeks!  I'll have some more holiday-inspired ideas to share on Window Wednesdays, along with the non-holiday questions, etc., that you send in.

Please email your window pictures, questions, suggestions, ideas to me at SofasandSage@gmail.com.

The only thing I ask of you?  Become a Follower in the right hand column :)

I'm looking forward to next Wednesday and to sharing the first reader submission.  In the meantime,

Talk to you soon,


  1. Hi,

    First of all I want to compliment you on this beautiful project - just lovely! Now...your idea of Window Wednesday is a super, it sounds like lots of fun and I am sure it will be full of good ideas. I can hardly wait to send you a picture.

  2. Window Wednesday is a winner. I've been on your site for an hour redoing all the windows that you loyal blog reader sent in. What fun, innocent recommendations on what all of us know does not really matter.

    Urban Cottage said you were going to improve the world one window at a time - I could support that goal. Love your blog, Ann
