Monday, November 15, 2010

My Secretary Has Been Slacking Off

Typical story.  You know the scenario...papers piling up, not keeping things up-to-date, lacking focus and attention to detail.  Yes, that's been my girl of late.  Not holding up her end of the room.  Yes, I said the room.

I'll admit it.  She's all mine. A bit of dust, summer roses and last year's leftover Christmas things still in there (come on, it's only a couple of little things).   And I call myself a professional Decorator?  We all have our limits (time and energy!), sad to say.  So, tonight, I straightened out my girl, gave her a makeover for this short time between now and Christmas (that's when she's best at her job).  See what writing a blog does for you?

Bad photography, I know.  I couldn't seem to get it right between the lighting in the hutch, flash or no flash, etc.   It's been exhausting.  She and I worked very (ok not really ) hard.  I had a glass of wine when we were done with all this work.

My Secretary.  She's been with me, loyal and faithful, for almost 8 years.  I'll have to do right by her at Christmas.

Talk to you soon,


  1. what a difference...I don't want to hurt her feeling but she really does look better now.(-: The little bunny is adorable, I have a special fondness for bunny things. I am with - you taking photos of rooms is very difficult; I was not happy with the pictures I posted on the decoupage post...there must be a way to take them that (so far) I don't know about. Yours really turned out quite well. Sometimes I have needed more than one glass of wine after trying to photograph a post.(-:

  2. Love it - she looks beautiful, like a new dress!!

  3. That's a great change! I love a addition of the tall bunch of grass/branches. This is kind of display is something that I'd be tweaking until next Christmas.

  4. Ha Ha...that happens to my bookcases too. I start throwing things in there and then one day they look like a storage bin! So I have to get to work like you did. I am sure she is happy to be the center of attention again!
