Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On the Side -- Summer Food

With my girls going off to school tomorrow (who can even stand it that they are in the 8th grade?), summer officially ended today.  Being at a loss for blogging tonight, I thought I would just share some great looking summer food.  Tomorrow starts September, and with it will come the crunch of apples and fall fare.  But until then....

From DavidLebovitz.com

From DavidLebovitz.com


The mixing for a great summer night's meal outdoors -- tomato basil salad, corn on the cob with enough butter to drip off your chin, and a juicy burger hot off the grill.  Not exactly culinary genius, but mighty good, and soon to be traded in for the autumn harvests.

By the way, the first two pictures came from David Lebovitz's blog Living the Sweet Life in Paris.  It is one of the loveliest food blogs to read.  You can connect to it here.

Talk to you soon,

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