Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Sunburst Mirror Story

Who knew that this mirror....


was linked to this charming guy?

France's King Louis XIV
So here's the story, in the short version.  We all know the remarkable, indelible, history-changing mark King Louis XIV made on design in the 17th century.  In his 72 year reign, in what became known as "The Age of Louis XIV,"  this style-defining King dragged France out of Medieval times and right into the glory of the Palace of Versailles.  (Ok, that's lighting speed description, but I'm blogging here...).  He was a lover of the arts, as was evident in so many things he did; so much so that he himself would take part in theatrical productions in his court.

In one of them, the Ballet de la Nuit, he played the Sun, and enjoyed it so much, that thereafter he chose it as his emblem.  See where I'm going with this?  The symbol of the Sun, which we have seen so often through decade after decade in design, has its roots with one of the all time greatest influences in design history -- Louis XIV.

What brings this topic up today?  I was considering using a sunburst mirror in a space and thought I'd share this interesting tale for those of you who are in the dark (a little laugh?).  The sunburst mirror seems to be everywhere these days, and although a classic, I ponder whether or not it is loosing its luster.   Anyhow, take a look at some design work over the years that has incorporated the sunburst....

Designer: Albert Hadley

Designer: Bunny Williams

Designer: Phoebe Howard
These are just a few of the too-may-to-show photos.  Now let's take a look at a few Sunburst Mirrors out on the market:


So, what do you think of the Sunburst?  Are you on the side of it's a classic, I'll never tire of it....or, like me,  do you wonder if too much of it is enough? My personal debate continues on.

On the Side...

A client of mine, long story short, is working for a high end food company; the founder of the company was a dear friend of the late, great, Julia Child.  As this dear friend's story goes, Julia was a great lover of McDonald's french fries (!), and in her failing years, would have this dear friend bring her them in a plain bag so that no one would know Julia Child ate McDonalds.  Just goes to show, even the best of foodies have their weaknesses!  What's yours?

Talk to you soon,

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