Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's Talk Front Doors

Does the color of your front door have a lovely conversation with the inside of your home?  Does it speak to you when you approach it,  telling you of the colors and mood of what awaits inside?

photo: Carol Beck

photo product and credit: Thibault Wallcoverings and Fabric

Or does your front door scream, "I have NOTHING to do with what's going on in there!  Somebody just liked this color and had no other place to use it!" I see this often and it makes my brain hurt.  Imagine opening this door into a beautifully decorated living/dining room where the salmon colored door rests against these walls....

photo product and credit: Thibault Wallcoverings and Fabrics

 Owww!  Quick!  Somebody paint the front door either black (ok, I know it's bad feng shui, but I love an elegant black door), or a deep raspberry.  Or perhaps another color picked up from an adjacent room that we cannot see here.  In my mind, painting the front door to coordinate with what lies beyond it can make the biggest difference in how someone reacts to your home on first entrance.  Are your guests, or even your family every day, hugged when they walk in, or assaulted by uncomfortable color combinations?

So, my friends, if you want to know if your front door says something about the inside of your home, put down your coffee and go outside.  Go up to your front door, taking the color in as though you'd never visited before, and enter in.  Does it work, is it an ivitation to what lies ahead?  If so, kudos to you!  If not, plunk down the $15 or so that it costs for a good quart of paint and get to making a great change!

On the Side...

I haven't written much about food lately.  I'm working on some recipes to be posted soon.  The food part of this blog really is meant to be an occasional indulgence, served "on the side" of my design musings.

Talk to you soon,

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