Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Love Wallpaper!

No one has been happier than me to see the resurgence of wallpaper in design.  While it never actually became obsolete, wallpaper for some years, I think, took a serious back seat to faux-finish paint techniques. (Come on....raise your hand if you at least tried sponge painting...I know you're out there...) If you are a wallpaper person, you know the industry had its issues a few years back, and some lines merged.  My guess is this happened because of faux finishes, but I am by no stretch a market analyst.

So don't get me wrong -- faux finishes can be gorgeous, and I did a few of them in my last home.  (And Venetian plaster, when done right, is something to behold, and the look of it on wallpaper cannot compare.)  But in the end, nothing on the wall makes my heart sing like wallpaper.

Below are some images from two of my personal favorite wallpaper companies -- Jaima Brown Home and Thibault.  (I just ordered this Jaima Brown pattern for my stairway, and I'll post pictures when it's complete.  This image doesn't do it justice -- it's a warm beige with cream and green in it.)

Jaima Brown pattern Versailles

Enjoy the magic of the following images.  Paint just wouldn't have the same affect...

Jaima Brown

Jaima Brown


Aren't those GORGEOUS?  If inquiring minds are wondering, no, I don't have any association with either company.  My own personal experience draws me to their products, and I find their price points to be more palatable to my budget than some other fine wallpaper companies.  Having never hung a Jaima Brown paper, I'll let you know how I think it is to work with when I complete my stairwell and post about it.

On the Side...
My dear, close friend Lisa and her fabulous family of four kids and husband Jerry, are moving to North Carolina from our town of Franklin in two days.  (Stupid economy!  Yes, I was just juvenile and said Stupid.) Tonight, Lisa, her mom and kids came for dinner (Jerry's already started his new job down south), and at Lisa's request I made Chicken Saltimbocca, one of her favorites. (Click on Welcome to Sofas & Sage in July for the recipe.)  Food, like music, can evoke very specific associations and memories.  I'll always associate this dish with Lisa and Jerry, and their sweet comments about how dinner at our house was like going to "Beck's Bistro."   These are memories that will make my heart ache for a while; until, that is, we visit them and cook some new dishes in their new home.  We're always needing to move forward, aren't we?

What dish or recipe carries with it great memories for you?  I'd love to know -- post a comment and do tell!

Talk to you soon,

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