Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Dining Room Design Board and Thanks...

You know how I've been thinking about selling my dining room drapes and moving on?  Well, plan B is to use them for a while longer, and just change the trim to tie them in with the new wallpaper.  Nix the valances.  Start anew.

This is what I'm going for -- a bit traditional, a bit dramatic, a splash of French, and a whole lot of home.  My style.

I'm on the search for some great host chairs to redo like above to break up my wheatback chairs a bit.  Some monogrammed "B" pillows, new wallpaper, perhaps a seagrass-like rug with some black specks.  A great mirror yet to be found (I love a mirror in a dining room, mostly to hang a wreath on at Christmas!).

If you'd like a room of yours done over on a board like this, I'll be offering online design services very soon.  You can have a room redo and shop for it as you can on your own.  Or, I'll be able to provide some of the items you need.  What fun is ahead!!!

Thibault Luxembourg Damask in Metallic Gold

Now for some thank yous...

To Abby at A Delightful Design, for highlighting my blog today.  Check out her modern, eclectic and sassy style...

And thanks to Shalon Estrada at Pretty Lovely Designs, for all her patience helping me with my blog redesign.  Check her out, too, she's done some great stuff (including Abby's, above.)   (Hi Shalon!  I couldn't grab your header!!)

Lots to look forward to in 2012...



  1. Carol, it looks beautiful! Love that Thibaut wallpaper and some upholstered host chairs will be great in there. Looking forward to your reveal!

  2. What's the B stand for, Beautiful? Maybe it's for the wallpaper that's simply Brilliant.

    The board is great. It seems like it would be really helpful to see how everything is going to work together.

  3. Your dinning room is going to look beautiful.Love the wallpaper.

  4. I think a refresher is a great idea and I think what you have put together here is really beautiful. I like how you have defined your style too.

  5. love where you are going with this. The gingham chairs are so inviting and so french. Check out our offeirng of upholstery gingham when you are ready to redo those chairs. also, isnt it funny how we envision certain design elements based on the holidays i.e. your mirror?

  6. Our tastes are very similar!! Love this look you are going for. I wish you very much success and many blessing for your online design business.. I am just really excited for you!! xo marlis
