Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thought for the Day...

Neither good taste nor wealth... can transform a house into a home, for a home does not consist of the quality of its architecture or decor, but in the quality of the lives that it expresses. 

                                                                                                              Philippa Tristam, Living Space 

My girls, at 2, on the back stoop of our old house. (Please do not re-print this photo.)

I try to keep this in mind every day.  I'll admit I'm a bit obsessive about what I can do next with my home, what color I can change, how I can use a fabric that I just spotted for a steal...There was a time, when my girls were toddlers, (now teens) that my husband never new what colors he would come home to when he left for work (my man -- a pillar of patience!, and for those who know me -- I hear you laughing at and agreeing with these truths!). Being a passionate decorator, a freak for fabric and color, is often a lonely road to travel -- not everyone gets it!   But, at the end of the day, it is what love there is within the walls, not what's on them, in front of them, or how much they cost,  that makes all the difference.

I hope your beautiful house is indeed a warm and memory-making home!

Talk to you soon,


  1. Your girls are darling! This was a great post. I especially love the quote. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great quote & what an adorable photo!! Have a great weekend!

