Monday, September 20, 2010

Ever Have a Day Like This?

Today wasn't the greatest day.

photo: carol beck

The clock was wrong, so I got out of bed thinking I'd overslept.  I went to an appointment at a client's home, the client's name wasn't on the lobby dial-up list, so I reached for my cell phone to give a call.  Oh.  Right.  I left my cell sitting in a cup of left-over coffee in my car the night before, so I couldn't call up to say I was there, because my new, expensive phone is dead. dead. dead!   So I left.  When I got back to the office (1/2 an hour away) and called to apologize, the client told me -- no problem, we're not there anyway, we're in Michigan, I had us on the calendar for next week.  Ok, so that's how the day started and it just went down hill from there.

Most days, I am happy, upbeat and positive.  Today, I felt like the world was looking at me with the attitude of the cows above.

But I'll leave you with a happy message as I end this day:

"Be the best You, not the You it’s easiest to be." 

Sean Platt on copyblogger

I'll be a better me tomorrow!

Talk to you soon,


  1. Oh Carol! I did not have a chance to read this until this morning and I have to admit that photo made me laugh. I HATE days like that when you could just poke someone in the eye with a stick. I'm wishing you a super happy and productive day today! abby

  2. I have had those days! Love the first photo -- to funny!
