Friday, September 10, 2010

Remembering September 11th

My girls were 4 years old on 9/11.  I had dropped them off at pre-school, come home to tidy up the kitchen, and turned on the television that was on top of the fridge. There it was.  The first plane was in the tower.  I remember standing there in utter disbelief, trying to understand what I was seeing.  It wasn't making any sense.  You know what I mean.  That feeling that your brain isn't working, trying consciously to process the images.  I reached for the phone to call my best friend.  Her sister worked at the World Trade Center.  And then I watched as the second plane hit.

Was Maureen there? Was she at work?  The memory of the events of that day are sharp and fuzzy all at once.  You know what I mean.  My friend's sister, as we found out later, had made it out down the stairs of the second tower.  Thank god for that.  But how we all felt, still feel, for the others who didn't is still haunting.  You know what I mean.

It's hard to believe that 9 years have rushed by.  We hope it won't happen again, but we all still wonder.  You know what I mean.  And I say you know what I mean because I believe every American can recall with clarity the feelings of that day, the moments, the images.

The design blog Focal Point has a great post about 9/11 along with some wonderful images of the memorials. Don't miss her pictures and her story.  Really good.  Take a minute and click here to see it.

Talk to you soon, on a lighter note,

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