Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The #1 Most Dreaded Question in a Design Consultation

Clients are sometimes taken aback by it.  Designers are sometimes uncomfortable asking it.  We all have to deal with it.  The client-designer relationship, the project outcome, the entire process depends on it.  Here it is...

"What's the budget?"

What prompted me to talk about this today?  A friend of mine whom I've know since the 7th grade (that's a really long time), emailed me that he'd just thrown out almost everything in his dining room and wanted to start over -- would I be interested in helping....I instantly shot back an email: when do we start and what's the budget? His immediate email back: whenever you're ready.  No mention about budget.

This will be an upcoming before and after! 

I pondered this for a few minutes -- did I really need to ask him that?  He's not a paying client, did I make my friend feel awkward, and on and on ran these thoughts through my head.  Bottom line?  Yes, I need to know, and here's why...

Designers ask what the budget is for some pretty simple reasons:

1.   It tells us how much we can actually accomplish for you in the space.

2.   #1 helps us set the appropriate expectations for what can be done -- we never want you to be

3.   We won't show you the Mercedes if your budget is in line with a Honda.

4.   We don't want to waste your time or ours (kind of tied to #3).*
     *Read that as we all have incredibly busy lives, we need to make the most of our time; not if you don't have gobs of money, I don't want to work with you :)
Let me address these reasons (and there are more, but this is a blog), starting with the two rooms below.  At first glance, you'll think they probably had pretty different budgets.  But, maybe not.

Southern Accents

Maybe this room was in a new house where all the money went to furnishings and custom work. If there was a "before" picture, perhaps it was just a new room, already carpeted, and maybe the beds were inherited.  The "after" -- this gorgeous bedroom, dressed completely in custom details.

 Southern  Living

Now this room -- totally different story.  The before was actually a garage!  Lots of the budget clearly went into the basic structure -- flooring, murphy bed, ceiling beams, etc.  My guess (an absolute guess to make a point) is that most everything else was not custom,  unlike the first picture.

The budgets?  They could have been  close to the same.  But the second room couldn't possibly end up like the first because "the bones" of the room -- it's structure and basic needs, like new flooring, had to be considered.  A frank conversation about budget would help the designer in the second picture set the appropriate expectations for the client as to the end result - i.e. your room will be gorgeous in custom building, but not in custom bedding, upholstery, etc.  By the way, both are completely beautiful, don't you think?

When it comes to talking money, if you're the client, you need to be honest.  "If I like it, I'll pay for it," or "Well, let's see what you come up with," or "I don't know," just doesn't cut it.  We're not trying to sell you a car, where no one shows their hand until the end.  (Sorry car folks, but you know what I mean.)  Holding back on the budget ties the hands of your designer for all 4 reasons above!  If you say you want custom silk draperies, and you give your designer a budget that she knows will cover cotton ones,  she can let you know from the get-go what your beautiful options are.

Laura W. Glenn

I believe the client's biggest fear can be: "if I tell her what I can spend, she'll spend it all even if there's a less expensive option."  That's just not true for a designer with integrity.  Let's face it -- a beautiful room, done within budget, gets the designer not only a happy client, but most likely, referrals.  We want happy clients.  Period.  Our livelihoods depend on it.

So what about the decorator's comfort level when asking for the budget?  I think it takes a while to find a way to say it.  Maybe it's the flat out question.  Maybe it's "what are you comfortable investing in this room?"  Or maybe if  a client really doesn't know what it might cost and is looking for guidance, it's "what you're telling me you'd like in this room will probably cost about $XX -- is that doable?"

While I talk about a whole room project as an example here, the budget discussion needs to happen for anything we do, from simply windows or a sofa to that finished room.  Beautiful end results can happen at many different budget levels.  Working together, knowing the budget, makes for happy outcomes! :)

Budgets always bring up questions.  If you have one,  comment and we'll get a conversation going.

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. FANTASTIC post! Love the way you put everything in such a gentle yet firm manner. I especially like the suggestion of "what are you comfortable investing in this room" or "what you're telling me...will probably cost xx". I think it's very important to be frank about this right up front and then once that is settled, all the creative work can come along.
