Friday, September 17, 2010

You've Never Seen Faux Painting Like This...

Ok, maybe that's not true for all of you, but I was so blown away by the talent of Regina and her family crew at Garay Artisans, I had to show you some of their work.  I found her blog, Fauxology,and had bookmarked it for a time when I could sit and really read it.  Today was the day.

If you are a designer, you need to know about them as a resource.  If you just love getting inspiration, you need to see these, too...


Above is the after of a ladies room of a commercial client.  Check out those gorgeous roses!  Below is the before...


Just a small difference, huh? 
The cabinets below were once pickled oak (eighties ouch! I can say that -- I live with 80's amber oak).  It may not be the most exciting of their work, but it's great.  Can you believe the magical transformation? Cream with a glaze.  Can you hear my heart pound? (Sorry wood lovers, I'm just a paint and glaze kind of girl.)


Now for the joy of Trompe l'oile...


They do exteriors, too...


And what about this coffered ceiling -- think it's wood?  Sorry, my friend, it's faux over plaster-- who would know?


Lastly, a small image (I couldn't enlarge it) of mirror patina -- you need to check out their gallery to really get a sense of how gorgeous this work is.

I'm telling you, if you are looking for inspiration, you won't be disappointed.  To connect to Regina at Garay Artisans, click onto their blog Fauxology.

Talk to you soon,

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