Friday, March 9, 2012

It's The Little Things

Life is best in the little things, like hardy laughs and pretty flowers, at lunch today with two friends I've had since I was five.   We were celebrating our birthdays.  (Mine was yesterday.  I'm trying to count my blessings rather than my years.  Like I said, the little things.)

One friend brought flowers for me and our other lifetime pal  (a little thing that meant a lot).  When I got home, I took out a tea pot my man had brought back from Moscow for me when our girls where little.   I used to take a civilized break every afternoon and brew myself tea back then.  Another little thing.

In the middle of the laughter at lunch today, I thought, how blessed I am in my life.  I have so many little things that add up to a lot.  I'm sure you do, too.

Any special little thing in your day today?


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day, Carol. Love your teapot. It's so nice to stop and take count. Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. That teapot is beautiful. Happy birthday!

  3. One of my favorite things each day is going to get my daughter up when I hear her chattering in her crib. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with lots of little big moments - and a belated happy birthday!

  4. You are so right that it's the little things that really count. My little thing today was a hug, and I love you mom from our youngest son. Belated Happy birthday. They are to be celebrations, and you celebrated yours in style! xo marlis

  5. Your flowers look so beautiful in your teapot which makes it even more special and meaningful. It really is the little things in life that make a world of difference. The older I get the more I embrace this idea and enjoy living more simply, but still beautifully. Happy birthday!
