Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Urban Cottage and This Old House

My friend Steve at An Urban Cottage is entered into the Curb Appeal contest at This Old House.  Seriously.  He should win.  But he needs more votes to snag the big prize.  Help a girl out and go vote for my blog buddy?

When he first bought his Greek Revival cottage in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it looked like this...

And now, after a major, historically accurate renovation...

Seriously.  Can you stand how gorgeous that is?  Here are a few shots of his interior (which I love and can never get enough of).

Steve's style and taste are totally his own.  Completely original.  If you aren't reading An Urban Cottage, you're totally missing out.  Just sayin.   The image below is the inside of the closet in his dining room.  He turned it into a bar of sorts, with some vintage wallpaper and the perfect bar accouterments.  The guy has it going on...

Please?  Go vote?  He's ENTRY NUMBER 33.

Thanks for your support!

I'm going back to wallpapering my dining room...



  1. I have been following him too and he really deserves to win. What he has done is super!
