Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Celebrity Magnet or What?

Yes, I'm talking about me.  It really is a laugh.  And it's actually related to my work as a designer.  Well, sort of.  Okay, so here's the story of my two encounters of late, and because I believe things happen in three's, I'm just wondering who I'll meet next...

Have you ever had a moment when the filter in your brain froze and you said something that you couldn't believe came out of your mouth?  This is what happened to me back in September.  My friend Steve (from An Urban Cottage) and I were antiquing in Maine,  where we were visiting some of his favorite haunts -- he was shopping, I was seeking out new sources for clients.

As we're coming out of one of the shops, walking out the door right in front of us, about as close as you get to someone in front of you in line at the market,  is...I didn't know!  I instantly knew this guy was famous, and Steve and I exchanged a quick "is that who I think it is?" glance, and then.  Out.of.my.mouth.flies "You're someone famous, aren't you?"  Can you believe I actually said that to someone?  Loser.  But then this guy turned around with a big grin...

And I so charmingly said "How do I know who you are?"  Pa.Lease.  Thank heavens Steve came to the rescue and said, "You're Steve Santagati, right, the relationship guy?"

And that started  a 20 minute conversation with Famous Steve, me, and my friend Steve.  Of course, I still couldn't place him (hello?), so as we all walk out into the parking lot having a laugh, I said "Relationship guy?  No, I know you from  tv or something."  (Or could it be his Armani modeling images?)  And then to add to my eloquence, I added, "I've seen you on Extra, with, ummm...what's his name, oh, Mario..."  "Yeah, Mario Lopez," says Famous Steve.  "That's it!" I said.  And then the three of us had a great chat like we had known each other forever.  Very fun.  I won't bore you with the rest, but Steve summed it up pretty well in his post here.  When all was said and done, and we were on our way to the next shop, all we could talk about was how we didn't get a picture for the blog!!

So, on to celebrity sighting Number 2.  At High Point two weeks ago, I was standing in the Althorp showroom of Theodore Alexander, talking with my colleague Robin, when a tall guy in a navy blazer comes over to us and puts his hand out to me to introduce himself.  I turned to face him as he says in his lovely British accent, "Hello, I'm Charles Spencer."  O.M.G.  Princess Diana's brother!  Are you kidding me?

For those of you who don't know, Theodore Alexander is a manufacturer of beautiful traditional furniture, and a few years back, Charles Spencer helped develop a line of reproduction pieces based on the antiques from Althorp, the Spencer family home.  So there he was in High Point, mingling with the common  folk(he was so gracious and real).  I now know the true definition of "my jaw dropped."  Anyway, it was a thrill to talk to him, as I am a total Anglophile.  But, it gets better...

The next day, when we were heading back home through the Charlotte airport looking for a place to have lunch,  there at a sushi bar with open seats next to him, was, you guessed it, Earl Charles Spencer!  So, I asked him if the seats were taken and would he mind if we took them.  Okay.  The guy couldn't have been nicer.

We chatted, my colleagues and me, and at the end, when his bill came, I asked for a picture with him.  I wasn't going to let this go without proof like the last one!

I was talking with a friend today who is going to assist me with an install next week, and she said she'd make the trip with me (it's three hours away) if I guaranteed a celebrity meeting.  Hmm.   I do believe in the power of positive thinking...  I'll keep you posted.

Who's the most famous person you've met?

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading these stories! Earl Charles Spencer...what a great lunch date!
    xo E + J
