Monday, October 4, 2010

Motivation 101

What motivates you to be the best you can be? No matter what it is that you are passionate about, what moves you to keep on keepin' on?

I'm a big believer in inventing your own destiny.  Sure, some things in life are a given (like the family that raised you), but I'm of the mind that  just about everything else comes by choice.  Here are the biggest (and best) choices I've ever made, and they are what fuel my passion to be the best I can be...

My man, Ian, and my girls, Sam and Claudia

 There came a point for me this summer, when I said, "that's it!  it's now or never" with this blog thing, and with fine-tuning the course of my life (always a work in progress, and who's getting any younger?).  It really came down to "what am I waiting for?"  After talking about this the other day with a friend, she put a copy of a cheesy scroll-looking paper on my desk, with the following declaration on it...

Every successful person has their moment when they go on record and unequivocally declare:
Today is going to be my day!!

What does it look like when you decide "today is my day?"

  • It's the moment when your best vision, values and resolve are aligned
  • It's the moment when you fully embrace an awesome future that is vastly different from your past or present life
  • It is the moment when you decide to live with purpose and passion and abandon the false comfort of the status quo
  • It is the moment when you get honest about what is, or is not, acceptable in your life
  • It's the moment when you declare that you will not be held captive by limiting self beliefs
  • It is the moment when you declare that you want more control over your time, income, freedom, and quality of life.
And for all of us, it is the moment when you acknowledge what you want from life.
And then, like the signers of the Declaration of Independence, without equivocation,
you do whatever is required to make your desires and dreams a reality.

 From a cheesy looking scroll of paper comes a pretty good message, huh?

When I  had finished my notes for this post this morning, and went about reading my favorite blogs, I came across a fantastic post written just yesterday (weird -- I heard that dodododoo theme in my head as I read it) about motivation by another blogger, Janell Beals, at Isabella & Max Rooms.  I'll pat myself on the back and say that great minds think alike  :)  Janell is a quite brilliant designer and her blog is fantastic.  Click here to read her post "It's Now..." and to pay her a visit. (Thanks, Janell.)

So, what does all of this have to do with design and food, you ask?  Maybe everything,  maybe nothing.  I guess it just depends on how you look at things.  Where do you get your motivation to do the things that matter to you?

Talk to soon,

1 comment:

  1. I am one of those people who needs to accomplish something everyday to feel these accomplishments can vary from the important to the mundane.(-: But I wake up each day planning what I think I can do, and it is so gratifying when I can see it through. I love to make things more beautiful...whether that means cleaning the silver or weeding. Take care.
