Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just Kitchens

I have a never-ending love/lust for kitchens.  Maybe it's because I love to cook, maybe it's just because I can hang out in a kitchen for hours on end if the coffee and the company allow.

In my recent post Kitchen Dreaming and A Guest's Recipe, I showed several kitchens that were so ME.  Here are some others, that I thought might be you.  Do any of them speak your culinary language?

Designer: Juan Montoya

Pretty great before and afters, yes?

Designer: Sandra Nunnerley

I love the stone walls, the beams and the dutch door in this one...

Designer: Marc Appleton

Designer: Ellisa Cullman, Architect: John B. Murray

This is (maybe was) Diane Keaton's kitchen.  Love the pairing of stainless with the simple, unadorned feeling, but heaven help the person who has to wipe the fingerprints off of that stainless island :) !

Designer: Stephen Shadley

The one below totally says "home" to me, with its mismatched chairs and warmth.  I want to have chili in here on a Sunday night...(but I wouldn't want to clean the grout in the countertops -- tiled countertops are a definite "no" in this cook's mind)

Designer: Douglas Marsceill

Finally, this kitchen overlooks the waters of Nantucket...

Designer: Victoria Hagan

Which do you like the best?

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Amazing that the one with oranges in and out of the bowl is what makes it look so great!
    Love this post, once again.
