Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Peak at a Friend's Edgy Home

Do you have a friend who makes you laugh so hard, you sometimes question getting together because you know your cheeks will hurt for hours after?  That's my friend Glen.  We got together this afternoon to talk about doing his dining room over.  My face aches.

But the dining room makeover is for another post.  I want to share a peak into the home he has created with his partner Mario.  It's cozy, masculine, and a bit edgy.  I love the way he's done some things, and I thought you'd like to see it.

The house is done in strong, dark colors like black, brown, and gray with relief from white trim and other things throughout.  Here is a shot looking from the kitchen into the entry room that greats you when you come in the back door.  I love the continuous reflection in the mirror.

Here's an angle of that entry room.  Isn't that Robert Allen fabric on the door gorgeous?

Now the living room...

I love this eclectic wall on the opposite side of the room, although, being the control freak that I am, I told him the mirror has to come down a little to relate better to the space. :)

Now, check out how Glen created a "headboard" out of drapes...

The headboard wall of drapes was an inspired idea, because this is the window behind it...

In the morning, to let light in when they want it, there are drape holdbacks on either side of the window.  I wish these pictures showed the true, rich gorgeous colors of this room!  Here are a few more angles.

Great texture goes a long way in a home, doesn't it?

I'll be posting from time to time about the progress on the dining room.  I know we'll have a lot of laughs along the way -- I hope we can get it all done!

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Very dramatic and so nice! I love the treatment over the cleaver. (-:
