Friday, October 29, 2010

Before and After: My Coffee Table Goes Black

I've been looking at my sad family room coffee table with it's worn finish for way too long.  In fact, what was supposed to be a temporary table solution when we moved into our house 4 years ago is now a proud "after" project.  I've been a sewer, painter, re-finisher, and project maniac for so many years I can't count.  Why I didn't do this sooner, I don't know!  (Ok, it was because I'd love something different, but...).

So, here she is, in my family room "before."

With a little Krylon Primer spray paint in gray...

I gave her a 2 can coat of primer, and a 3 can coat of Krylon Satin Black  The whole process took me about 2 hours from start to finish.

And here she is, back in her spot.  (And don't go looking at my sorry fireplace and mantle, or lack thereof...that's an upcoming project (do they ever end?  I think not.)).

The picture's a little dark, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome.  New drapes will be coming in this room sometime before the holidays (if I can find a few more hours in my days and make them), and I can't wait to share.

What's your latest project?

Talk to you soon,


  1. Oh...I like the black so much better - what a difference. Isn't paint wonderful. I am in the midst of a decoupage project on some doors using paint, I hope to share it soon...that's if it turns out okay. (-:

  2. Love the way the black table contrasts with the chair now.

  3. Interesting how it makes the framed picture behind the chair look more important.
