Sunday, June 5, 2011

Deer Baby and My Garden

Hello gorgeous Sunday!  Just had to share this picture from my sister-in-law.  She was in her garden this week when the plants rustled and a brown head popped up, scarring the ba-jeepers out of her.  After her heart beat returned to normal and she realized what it was, she ran in the house to get her camera.  Amazingly, this sweet morning gift was still there...

Does that make you say "awww..." or what?

While I didn't find such a treasure in my own garden this Sunday morning, I thought I'd share a few shots from the front of my house...

He may not be a baby deer, but he is my baby, my gardening partner, and the official deer chaser....

What's the biggest surprise you've ever had in the garden?

Have a great day everybody!

Talk to you soon,


  1. Awe.....sweet doe. Your garden looks lovely! We have had deer before, but grown deer, eating my zinneas...

  2. Wow! I'm surprised that doe was left unattended. What a sweet shot.

    Your garden looks beautiful. Love all the purple and yellow green.

    I was on my porch one day when a skunk wandered in from behind the house. I thought it was a cat until I got a better look. He didn't seem to mind that I was there. He poked around and found a few grubs (or something) and just wandered back out.

  3. What a sweet picture. Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous. I think the my biggest surprise was standing up to come eye-to-eye with a hawk perched on the fence. He was absolutely beautiful, but a little too close for comfort. I slowly backed away and gave her a little space.

  4. I did say Aaaaah!! that is just precious. Oh my Carol we have had many surprises in our garden. The one that comes to mind is a big white egret flew over my head one day while out in the backyard. We once had two large dogs floating in our pool after a rain storm.An Eagle, a rattler. You never know what will appear in our yard, Kathysue
    PS and I live in suburbia Calif.

  5. how sweet is that baby doe i saw some in the woods recently when walking my dog but my yappy terrier scared them off but all she wanted to do was play bless her.

  6. We have a frog, or frogs, that live in the garden close to the garage. I have to bribe my dogs to come in once they see it...they'll follow the frog all over the yard!

  7. How precious to see a beautiful little one. My garden surprise.. a 6 ft rattler. We don't live there anymore.
    happy sunday, many blessings, marlis

  8. Oh that is so so so cute! Where was the mommy I am wondering. The biggest surprise was a couple of ducks that set up home in our tiny little garden off our pool. They built their nest and swam in the pool. The funniest part was our Golden Retriever who swam right along with them!

  9. Such a precious picture! I am happy to say I have not had many surprises in my garden. I did have a bird make a nest in the wreath on my front door however. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden.

  10. Your garden looks beautiful! What a sweet baby deer. Your baby is sweet too, I've got two of those myself. Dogs do tend to scare off the critters, although after the hurricanes blow through, we usually find some fallen nests of birds and squirrels, thankfully alive and crying for their mothers!

  11. "Awe" is right! Soooo cute. I can't imagine seeing that! Nothing surprising has been found in the garden, but one day i put the trash in the outdoor garbage and an opossum was looking up at me!!

  12. So sweet and such a lovely garden!
    xo E + J

  13. oh my... that photo of the bay deer just melted my heart- so sweet. your garden looks lovely and that is indeed one sweet little helper!!
    well, just last night had a coy-wolf walk through the back meadow (not my garden but still rather shocking!) It was huge- looked like a german shepherd! I would trade it for a baby deer any day!!

    happy weekened!

  14. They are all really beautiful. The green and the gray are colors that I personally would not use. I love the blue and white and the neutral linen.
