Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Thoughts about Worry

You know how sometimes, you get so worried about something, or someone, or the what ifs, that you loose your way a bit?  A dear friend is making major, unexpected, life changes.  I thought this was a great Thursday Thought to send today, and it might speak to you, too ;-)


 Choosing faith.  You?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chairs and More Chairs

When I finished my recent chair makeover, all I wanted to do was move on the next one I'm planning.  But dang, the decorating budget just isn't expanding as fast as the dreams!  That ever happen to you?

So to keep the love light burning, I've been collecting images on my Chairs board on Pinterest.  One can never have enough inspiration, right?  Let's look at some beauties...

While the lines of the chair above add so much visual interest to that nook, the dressmaker details on the one below  The upholstery job is perfection!


The Ethan Allen chairs, below, are a favorite, but I must confess I don't find them comfortable.  And I am a huge Ethan Allen fan, so it takes a lot for me to say that...

And this next blue one?  Hello, lover...your pattern and skirt are divine...(although the room is a tad too formal for me :)



I would take these two wildly different style leopard chairs in a heartbeat.  The one above speaks to my antique bones, while the one below would be phenomenal mixed in with antiques (like a bit of it in the image)!

via Flicker

Check out this pair of wing chairs.  Makes my heart stop.  I kid you not.  Total traditional lines with a kick to the bold stripe application.  Sweet.


Can we talk about the chairs below?  Clean classic, near modern lines, with a nod to tradition with the updated tufting and nailhead placement, set in an antique lover's room.  Yes.  I die.


I'm loving the warmth of the wood in this cool bathroom below.  So nicely unexpected...


I adore Julie Nightengale's work, and these velvet chairs strike two items on my love list: velvet and french wood frame.

This next wood frame is killer in such a great eclectic mix, don't you think?  I confess I wouldn't have naturally thought to put it near a Victorian (?) table.  Genius.  Homey.


I love the fabric pattern in the room below, paired with those gorgeous wood framed chairs.


This last one is such a great unexpected look of a frame not at all expecting that fabric on it!


I have always, always, had a thing for chairs.  Only recently have I gotten rid of some in my basement stockpile (as I keep my eyes open for new ones!).  I could so easily do without a sofa and just do chairs.  Could you?

Thanks for stopping by, friends, talk to you soon,

Monday, January 27, 2014

My New Favorite Blue and White Room

Here's my new favorite blue and white image.  It made me gasp when I saw it on Pinterest. 

Brenda Eastman, designer, via BH&G

 The texture of the navy grasscloth and its rich color - to.die.  The warmth of the dark wood chest? Yum and just enough to balance the weight of the bed.  And that glossy navy bed - are you kidding me? Soooo gorgeous. My style in a nutshell.  #6WilsonStyle, too.

You know what I would add if it were mine?  This slipcovered chair and pillow.

I'm a sucker for classics.  I'm going to be looking for some blue and white fabric for new family room drapes in the near future.  I'll share with you what I find.  I can't live without a blue room any longer.  The time has come.  Stay tuned.

Oh, and there's a bunch of new blues in the shop you might want to check out ;-)

Happy Monday, and thanks for starting your week with me,

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Defining Style in Words and Pictures

Hi all!  It's been a bit as I've been busy finding new classic treasures for the shop, along with adding some new pillows.  I've also been hard at work helping to define 6 Wilson style, which I describe here...

It occurred to me as I was tagging an instagram post with #6WilsonStyle, that I really needed to put that into words, for myself and for my social media followers (@6Wilson on Instagram).  It was a great task for me to do, because it helped me verbalize and focus (focus being my word for 2014 :) on the type of product I curate for the shop. 

I usually just show #6WilsonStyle in images, which is helpful, but sometimes words do a better job.  That said, the image in the header also gives you a flavor of the style I want my shoppers to know they can count on...

What about your style, whether it's your blog, your wardrobe or you home decor -- what words would you use?

Stay tuned for great new #6WilsonStyle coming to the shop on etsy.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday Thoughts


 I am pushing myself in 2014 to be very uncomfortable...

My DIY Living Room

It occurred to me the when I finished my latest chair project, that just about all my living room pieces have a story.  Clearance this, collected that, DIY from the walls to the windows.  I never thought I would get to the point where I only have a rug to replace and a few accessories to add.  It's been a journey!

The "sketch" image I did the other day using (free and very cool to use) made me jump up and down -- my room is almost done!  Okay, well, my house is never really done, let's be serious, because I am a chronic project person, but you know what I mean. ;-)  It's fun for me to think back to what was, and I thought you might get inspired to tackle your own vision if I shared my stuff with you.

Hopefully, how I changed some collected elements in my room might give you some ideas...

 The F. Schumacher chair, in its original linen, I found at an estate sale last spring and reupholstered it.  I followed that with reupholstering a chair I already had in another room, but didn't work with the green living room I had in my head...

With the chairs done, I felt like a relationship was starting with the clearance sofa we bought several years ago (my next upholstery project, hee hee).

After the chairs, I painted this chest black.  I had picked it up thrifting for $25 about two years ago, and I was waiting to paint it until I decided what to do with my living room.  When I found the green fabrics for the chairs at a steal, I new I wanted the chest, in black, to go between them.

Probably 5 years ago,  I picked up an ugly-finish gold sunburst mirror for $1 at a yard sale, knowing I would use it at some point.  Fast forward, and I thought it would be perfect above the chest, and in between the green drapes that I made this past fall.  It just needed a mix of a couple of Rub 'n Buff colors and voila!  You can see it in the picture below, behind the tree, where the chest usually is...

As for the chair above right, that's the one in my most recent statement chair post (with One Kings Lane).  I gave it a new finish and changed out the fabrics, to create the accent piece I had in my head -- I wanted a blue green that worked off the dining room, but stood out from everything else in the living room...

Even the coffee table was a project.  I wanted an iron frame, and a couple of years ago, I was able to purchase this one so my husband could make a custom wood top, as I didn't like the one that came with the frame.  I married a DIY'r.  The birds of a feather thing.  You know.

Here's the room one final time.  A few more things to note... The artwork flanking the sofa I put together from an Audubon book,  the lamps were a major steal four years ago, the pillows are from 6 Wilson (of course!) and the brown ottoman I got from my dear friend when she was crazy enough to put it out to the curb one day (I confess that will eventually be replaced by a DIY skirted one).

The true point of this post?  Creating a room you love, whether grand or humble, doesn't have to happen in thirty minutes like you see on TV.   In the spirit of "keeping it real" this room took me forever, and it's still not done (and I'm a decorator, go figure!).  In the seven years we have been in this house, it has evolved, gone in a few wayward directions, but is finally starting to come together.  There is value in waiting for what you love, redoing what is good quality, and searching for pieces that can take on a new life.  You just need a little patience.

On another note, check out the January Clearance Sale happening in my 6 Wilson shop, if you need a little happy in this dead of Winter!

Sharing at Three Mango Seeds. and DIY Show Off...

Monday, January 13, 2014

One Kings Lane and My Statement Chair

  When One Kings Lane asked me to partner with them and other bloggers to talk about a statement chair in my home, it was just the push I needed to give my unassuming chair a bit of a makeover.   If you follow me on instagram (@6Wilson, and check out OKL on instagram, too, @OneKingsLane), you've seen what I've been working on.  Now, here she is...

Why was I planning on a chair makeover?  My living room needed some POP, a statement piece, something that would make me fall in love when I came into my room.  You can see from the Before that none of that was happening (I see you yawning) before I took on this little DIY!

One Kings Lane asking me to show a statement chair naturally gave me license to splurge on the fabric I've been carrying a swatch of for a year ;-), and I got to work on the look I've been envisioning to help complete my living room.  I have a thing for French furniture, the more simple and proportioned lines of the Louis XVI style, like my bergere chair above.  I know a bit about styles and periods, but if I didn't, One Kings Lane has a fantastic Home Decor Resource Guide that will tell me (and you)  just about everything I need to know.  I'm actually thrilled about this resource, because when I say I know a bit, it's really that I only remember a bit (lol), so having the OKL Home Decor Resource Guide to check things out is a great thing for me.  It covers just about every style you can think of (plus, it will make you feel smart, always a bonus).

So, what really makes a statement chair a Statement?   A couple of things.  First, it needs to relate to the space it's in, but be bold enough (in color, shape, or differing style) to draw your attention to it and make an impression.  It says "hey look at me, would you have thought to put me here?"

For my living room,  I wanted to make a statement with color and texture, combined with a new finish on the frame.  I mixed a hand-blocked linen with velvet, and then painted and roughened up the frame for more texture, which highlighted the carving and complimented the fabric pattern.

For someone else, a statement chair could be a modern frame in a room of antiques, or a bold contemporary fabric on a traditional wing chair.  One thing is certain, however, and it's that a statement chair doesn't need to be expensive.  If you have something you can redo that's great, and I know (because I am a OKL stalker), that if you're looking for a new statement for your own home, you can find something brilliant on One Kings Lane (and no, I didn't get paid to say that :-).

Is this the year for making a statement in your space?

If so, you might want to check out OKL's Home Decor Resource Guide for some great inspiration.  And thanks, One Kings Lane, for giving me the push I needed to get my DIY done!!

For help creating a statement piece in your home, contact me here.  To find beautiful statement pillows and accessories, shop 6 Wilson, here.

Oh, and before I go, One Kings Lane also asked my good friend Abby at Abby M. Interiors to show her statement chair -- check it out to see how we both love and use similar colors in our homes, in very different ways!

Linking up to Between Naps on the Porch and Savy Southern Style, Redhead Can Decorate,
French Country Cottage, Common Ground, and Three Mango Seeds...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

6 Wilson January Clearance Sale!

I'm making way for new inventory, and I'm looking forward to sharing my expansion with you in 2014!  Woohoo, it's going to be a great year ;-)  So, now through the end of January, take 50% OFF select items in the shop.  I will be adding new sale tags as the month goes on.  Just click on the image below, and happy shopping!

And, before you go, I want to thank you for reading this blog, shopping 6 Wilson, and chatting with me in social media (you know my favorite is Instagram, right?).  I  appreciate so much that you take time out of your day to visit with me here, and I am so excited to bring you all kinds of fun new stuff in 2014, both in the shop and on the blog.

Hope you're staying warm,

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday Thoughts and A Year From Now...

  Happy New Year, friends!  I hope yours is off to a stellar start, after a stretch of holiday goodness.  I've decided to start sharing words that inspire me from my "Things to Think About" board on Pinterest.  After all, what good do they do being stored there?  So, I'm initiating Thursday Thoughts with 6 Wilson by sharing this New Year gem...

How many times I have looked back and said "if only I had started that a year ago, imagine where I'd be..."  Yep.  Not letting that happen again.  I am starting my year with focus and intention, and I'm inspired.  Hope you are, too!