Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chairs and More Chairs

When I finished my recent chair makeover, all I wanted to do was move on the next one I'm planning.  But dang, the decorating budget just isn't expanding as fast as the dreams!  That ever happen to you?

So to keep the love light burning, I've been collecting images on my Chairs board on Pinterest.  One can never have enough inspiration, right?  Let's look at some beauties...

While the lines of the chair above add so much visual interest to that nook, the dressmaker details on the one below take.my.breath.away.  The upholstery job is perfection!


The Ethan Allen chairs, below, are a favorite, but I must confess I don't find them comfortable.  And I am a huge Ethan Allen fan, so it takes a lot for me to say that...

And this next blue one?  Hello, lover...your pattern and skirt are divine...(although the room is a tad too formal for me :)



I would take these two wildly different style leopard chairs in a heartbeat.  The one above speaks to my antique bones, while the one below would be phenomenal mixed in with antiques (like a bit of it in the image)!

via Flicker

Check out this pair of wing chairs.  Makes my heart stop.  I kid you not.  Total traditional lines with a kick to the bold stripe application.  Sweet.


Can we talk about the chairs below?  Clean classic, near modern lines, with a nod to tradition with the updated tufting and nailhead placement, set in an antique lover's room.  Yes.  I die.


I'm loving the warmth of the wood in this cool bathroom below.  So nicely unexpected...


I adore Julie Nightengale's work, and these velvet chairs strike two items on my love list: velvet and french wood frame.

This next wood frame is killer in such a great eclectic mix, don't you think?  I confess I wouldn't have naturally thought to put it near a Victorian (?) table.  Genius.  Homey.


I love the fabric pattern in the room below, paired with those gorgeous wood framed chairs.


This last one is such a great unexpected look of a frame not at all expecting that fabric on it!


I have always, always, had a thing for chairs.  Only recently have I gotten rid of some in my basement stockpile (as I keep my eyes open for new ones!).  I could so easily do without a sofa and just do chairs.  Could you?

Thanks for stopping by, friends, talk to you soon,


  1. Oh Carol! Gorgeous taste! Just yesterday I was thinking: I wonder if I drag the sofa out of here and replace it with more chairs, will my family miss it? :) One can NEVER have enough chairs. I have extras everywhere. I love having company and everyone having a decent spot to sit and chat!! xoxo, Emily

  2. I am always collecting inspiration, love what you've found!

  3. I adore everything about that room with the red chairs.

    1. I think that space is KILLER. Every detail is amazing on its own, and together as a whole it is truly beautiful. Agreed.

  4. Fellow chair addict here, so I am drooling over these! Love!
