Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday Thoughts and A Year From Now...

  Happy New Year, friends!  I hope yours is off to a stellar start, after a stretch of holiday goodness.  I've decided to start sharing words that inspire me from my "Things to Think About" board on Pinterest.  After all, what good do they do being stored there?  So, I'm initiating Thursday Thoughts with 6 Wilson by sharing this New Year gem...

How many times I have looked back and said "if only I had started that a year ago, imagine where I'd be..."  Yep.  Not letting that happen again.  I am starting my year with focus and intention, and I'm inspired.  Hope you are, too!


  1. Indeed! Happy New Year, Carol!! Cheers, Loi
    PS - Hope you are staying warm and cozy :)

  2. What a great's to starting today- Happy New Year, Carol!!
