Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Christmas Living Room: Phase 2

 Well, the tree is up and the secretary is decorated in my monochromatic living room.  If you missed Phase 1 with just the wreaths and some candles here and there, click here.  You might remember this is where we left off...

I had to move the black chest to the dining room, and rearrange the chairs to make room for our very fat tree...

Cleary, (as my girls are quick to tell me) the tree is in serious need of presents on its skirt!  I keep my tree pretty simple, with nostalgic ornaments and no high-design -- my family likes tradition, so that's what happens ;-)  I did, however, add green and blue green ornaments to tie it all together with the room. I sooo didn't want the red in there, but, traditions...

Candles and such look so much prettier with tree lights behind them...

On my French arm chair I have a present sitting there, but as I couldn't get a great shot of the chair and the tree (okay, truth -- I don't love the fabric or the finish on it, so it's not in full view), here's the present with the pillow I love peaking in behind it...

This green wrapping paper is what I used to line the back of my secretary.  Here's what my secretary looked like last week when I posted on instagram (@6Wilson) that I was getting it ready.  Can I tell you that lighting in my living room is impossible for photographing greens?

After some wrapping paper and some decorating, here it is now, with the doors open so you can see.  I usually keep them closed, but you'd never be able to see behind them if I did that.

When I've decorated the desk of this piece, I will show you the whole thing.  For now, here are some close ups of what's going on in there...

I've been collecting Christmas books for years.  I love looking through them and adding to the collection.

My crystal nativity actually stays out year round.  It's my reminder that Christmas isn't just a one-day party ;-)  The cream vase/urn is filled with the pine cones I bleached (I posted on instagram) and add to my color story.

Using ornaments by themselves is such an easy way to create a quite moment in a vignette.

The skates on the top shelf are ornaments, propped up by a few more books and backed by a Spode tray my mom gave me a few years ago.

On the other side of the top shelf is a Wedgewood pitcher I found in an antiques shop last summer, simply filled with a few greens...

My favorite piece in there, though, is my daughter's watercolor of pine cones.  I love the personal touch this gives this spot in the room.  I put her art in 6 Wilson, too, which you can find here.  I really think that small pieces of art, whether on the wall or on an occasional table, are great ways to express your personal taste.

As for the tree itself, I won't bore you with family ornaments, except to show this favorite.  We gave our girls skating snowmen when they were four to remember their first skating lessons.  I am a total sap for nostalgia, I admit it.  So there's my bit for today.  I'm not one for cute stuff, but here's an exception ;-)

I hope you enjoyed my little living room tour!  Until the next Christmas post...

 You'll see tons of gorgeous Christmas decorating!!
Talk to you soon,


  1. Beautiful and classic! I love all of your special touches.

  2. I'm still not sure someone actually lives there! So beautiful! Love your blog!

  3. Love the paper added to the back of the hutch. It is all so pretty. Glad to have you at Wow!

  4. Carol,
    Your home is so beautiful and warm. Love all your festive touches. And, your pillows.....they steal the show :) BTW, where is your shop located? We just closed on our home in Maine, and perhaps we can stop by to visit on our drive up?
    Happy December~

  5. Your home is so lovely and I like how you decorated it for Christmas.
    Have a wonderful week,

  6. Love your styling and great photos. Visiting from Ivy and Elephants.
