I love beautiful bedrooms. My own could use some attention, and I find the following completely inspiring, for different reasons, as I redo my room in my head. Again. Let's look...
The drama of the bed and mirror above totally get me, as does the unexpected fabulousness of the duvet cover below...
This next one has a raw honesty about it that really appeals to my simpler side...
So I will always love toile. I just will.
If you've been with me for a long time, you know my first love is always window treatments (even though I'm now doing pillows at 6 Wilson). These drapes below are just so warm...
When I saw this next image, I had to stare at it. And then stare at it. again. The dark walls, the artwork, the collected authenticity of it just makes me stop and look. And admire.
This next one just says pretty home to me.
Another bedside shot, with the Klismos design of the chair making it all so chic.
But, at the end of the day, this next one is where I'd want to put out the light. Like tonight. I'm a traditional girl at heart, and I crave beautiful comfort above all else in my home. No pretense, just signs of a true and comfortable family life.
What about you? What kind of look do you dream about for your bedroom?