Thursday, April 24, 2014

One Week Challenge Week 4!!

I have been blown away by the interest in my little #projectkitchenfacelift for the One Room Challenge Link Up journey.  To bring you up to speed, this is a facelift, embracing my cabinets, to give us something we like until an eventual overhaul.  Thank you, all of you fabulous readers out there!  It is inspiring me to kick up the energy a notch, because at this point, I've fallen behind.  Yikes...

 CHAOS.  Yup.  Chaos has set in.  No sink.  Dead on the floor island project.  Let me tell you what happened this week  (some of these are instagram repeats, bear with me ).

My husband started building up the counter top edging to prep for the new Formica last Friday.  Just as he was showing my daughter on Saturday how they were going to fill in the gaps to get a level surface, he got a call that his ailing dad was not doing well, so off he went to the state next door.  So, my girls and I picked up the putty knives,  divided up the tasks, and got the job done...

Not the prettiest picture for you, but to me, this is gorgeous!  One step closer to losing my blah blah blah counters with the oak edging (you've seen the offender, you know what I mean).  Sorry if you like this look, it's just not me.

And while we're talking Formica, check out this Black Slate color I chose to give my kitchen the contrast and boldness it's needing to balance those strong cabinets...

For short money, this helps me get a lot closer to a better looking kitchen, and in person, it's a great looking finish.

More progress has been made since the weekend but oh, look at that stunning lack of tile (AAAAAAHHHH! time is flying)...

I've done some accessory shopping, some painting and repainting of a shelf  I've had and never used for 10 years,

and I've sat and stared at the progress with a "nothing-is-done-o-m-g" kind of feeling for way too many minutes at a time!

What's up for this week?

1.  Finish counter tops, install sink and new faucet
2.  Tile
3.  Order new lighting!!
4.  Work on the island.
5.  Finish the wall
6.  Finish chair cushions
7.  Start on a cabinet project 

HOW IS THIS GOING TO GET DONE?????   But who doesn't love a good challenge?  Bring on Week 5!

And now, go check out what all the other Link Up peeps are accomplishing!  And thanks, again, for pushing me on with your kind comments.  See you on the other side of Week 5.


  1. I can't believe that countertop is formica! It has come a long way. I know this will come together beautifully.

  2. Nothing like family bonding over a good DIY project! Love the Formica you have chosen and looking forward to seeing everything come together!

  3. Wow, again I commend you for such a big undertaking. The color you've chosen is great. It will look fantastic.

  4. Big goings on over there! Keep the faith and moving forward … it is going to be beautiful!

  5. is it all going to get done? I am stressing for you girl! Love the formica color.

  6. my kitchen looks lo eerily similar to this....i plan on doing a "facelift" on mine to get me through until a major reno is in the budget. can't wait to see the end result!!

  7. I can't wait to see more! I'm so badly wanting to give my kitchen a facelift, but haven't been able to pull the trigger on it yet. BTW, I'm panicking right along side you!


  8. It looks like it is going to be wonderful when you finish. I love the look of the countertop you chose.

  9. Lots of great things happening here. I love the teamwork happening at your place

  10. Carol those counter tops are going to be game changers in there. Feeling a little overwhelmed myself. I have upholstery projects stacked up and haven't even found the stapler yet.

  11. Great things are happening! It looks like a lot to do but you'll get it all done and it will be beautiful!!

  12. Good job, Carol!! Can't wait to see next week's progress! This 6 weeks goes entirely too fast - especially when life gets in the way or our projects!

  13. I love that you're working with your whole family on this project. These counters are going to be FANTASTIC when they're finished. You're a pro, and I know you're going to transform this kitchen into complete gorgeousness. Can't wait!!

  14. Ditto on working with your entire family, what fun and an experience you all will treasure! Wish that was the case in my fam, ha! I'll say it again, love the direction you're going and it's amazing what a little paint can do! Those countertops were so worth it! You must have some great negotiating skills to get your husband to change his mind. :) Good luck with everything!

  15. Best of luck to you during week 5! You will get there - sorry to hear your father-in-law is not doing well -- hope he is better soon. Love, love the countertops! It's going to look great!

  16. This kitchen is going to look great once you're done with it. Cant wait to see what you do next week!

  17. LOVE your Formica - I'm using it as well. Fingers crossed for great progress this week so you can focus on the fun part soon! :)

  18. That black slate formica counter top looks amazing! Good luck with getting everything done!

  19. Redoing the kitchen is a big job but I think you're moving along just fine. The black Formica looks really cool. Hang in there. ;)

  20. This is seriously looking beautiful. Hope your father-in-law is ok. Have a great weekend!

  21. I can't wait to see the new countertops - such a great choice! You've got a lot left to do but you've already accomplished so much - you can do it! Have a great weekend!

  22. I am so sorry to read about your father in law. I hope things are looking up. I can't believe you are doing almost an entire kitchen. It is looking so good. Good luck next week.

  23. I hope your father-in-law is doing better! And your counters are coming along. Can't wait to see how this week went for you - bet you made some great progress. :)
    Tricia // Suburban Bitches

  24. Love the countertops ! Fantastic job !!! I'm loving it all!! Can't wait to see it all finished!!! :) Lance @ PKL
