Here's a peek at what's been going on in my daughter's bedroom makeover. We still have furniture to paint, slipcovers to make, and lighting to install. (So it's been moving at a snail's pace for 6 months...I've still got a couple of years until college!) But, here's where I'm at...
My girl loves orange like here mama, so her totally blue room...
Has been striped and fabric'd in a bit of modern orange...
These phone pictures are pretty crappy, but it gives you an idea of what's going on with the room. I need to finish the bedding, too.
If you've been wondering if I fell off the face of the planet, not so. Just super busy with life stuff. But, I do have some great posts coming up for July. I hope you'll stick around.
Good luck with any last-minute 4th of July planning! What are you up to?
What a difference! I think this looks so high end. The bed Skirt is amazing. I want to take sewing lessons from you. Your girls are so lucky!!