Friday, March 25, 2011

Before and After: My "Office Nook" in Progress

Okay, okay, office nook is an exaggeration.  It's wall space in our bedroom occupied by my desk.  Bedroom workspace?  Tsk, tsk, you say -- I hear you.  But it's the only available real estate in the house, and I'm making it work.

When my friend Lisa moved this summer, she offered me I subtly suggested that if she wasn't  moving all of her office wall unit (who knew what space she'd have in the next house?), I would be glad to relieve her of the middle desk and hutch. (Lol.  Anyone who knows me can hear me telling her it was the least she could do for leaving me in a puddle.)  Anyway,

this is where the picture is supposed to go of the dated cherry finish 
desk and hutch, being sanded by yours truly in the garage.  
However, unable to find it, I will tell you instead 
that it was in serious need of a new life.

After I primed the desk, we hauled it to our bedroom upstairs. (You know how to tell cheap furniture?  It weighs a ton from all the MDF.  Don't worry, Lisa knows this -- it came from her husband's old office.)  The walls in our room were BM Vellum, and the stylish chair is straight from my man's office.  Here's the Before...

It was like this from October until last week. 

What lit a fire under my butt to start the bedroom retreat I've been promising my husband?  My 14 year old girls' birthday sleepover.  We have no finished basement or hang-out space.  Enough said?  "Retreat" will have many meanings in the years ahead.

This really is an "In Progress."  More to come, but I thought I'd share where I've gone so far...

Who knew when I reupholstered this chair (myself) last year, that Honeysuckle would be the color of this year?  I blush at how ahead of the curve I am (lol, hahaha...).  Seriously, I took this wing chair from the living room, along with the drapes, to start the bedroom. (I have other plans for the living room.)  The house has been morphing as we go along, and since the bedroom needed drapes, well, why make new ones when I could move them and change the living room?  Brilliant, I know.  (Cheeky this post, aren't I?)

The color of the room is now BM Antique Parchment, and the desk color is BM Natural Wicker.  I'm super happy so far.  There are more plans for my nook.  New lamp, shelving, and other surprises.  And the bedroom, there are plans for that, too.  But, I'm committed to trying to pace myself (like that will happen) because I tend to wipe myself out.  Off to do more painting...

Talk to you soon,


  1. Beautiful! Really beautiful. Love everything I'm seeing. You really upholstered the chair yourself? I'll tackle a lot myself but that's really intimidating. I'm very impressed.

  2. I am so impressed with your upholstery skills...the chair looks great. I love the colors and the drapes look fantastic with the wall color.

  3. Wow Carol, I can not believe how great that chair looks and the fresh coat of paint on the walls and the desk are all tying in so nicely. Great start sweetie!! Kathysue

  4. Wow! Your new "office" looks incredible. I love how you used an upholstered chair instead of the expected desk chair. I am very impressed you did the upholstering yourseldf - something I have not tried but would love to learn how to do some day.

  5. Carol, great redo! Love the chair too. What a pretty workspace.

  6. Looking very cozy! Great job on the chair! Wish I could do that. Lovely blog...

  7. Love the upholstered chair. What a lovely creative space.

  8. ok seriously jealous of the progress you made and that chair!!!
    Reupholstering that alone would have done me in. Don't you love curling up in a wingback while writing? I have one that is available I just wish you were here to show me how to do it myself!
    Bravo on the fabric choice too!

  9. It looks wonderful. If only our real life office space could be that pristine! Great job!

  10. Wow Carol I am impressed with the chair upholstery. I love it and what a transformation to your desk area. Looking good!

  11. Okay, I'm bringing you the other pieces of that wait, I think I feel a challenge coming on...oh, thank God, it passed. It all looks lovely my friend! Kudos!

  12. I like the "before" pictures because they make you seem normal and not a super fantastic designer, which obviously you are.
    Reading your blogs has lit a fire under my butt too. Single mom life of two boys and two dogs puts decorating on the back burner. My son scored a huge flat screen tv from a friend who was moving and I redid out living room so that we all actually hang out there together! ;)

    Challenged in design,

  13. It's lovely already! And seriously, you upholstered the chair yourself?!?!?! Wow.

  14. Hi All, thanks for the comments. And Nancy, I am so normal I hate to admit it! I should really show the laundry piles and stacks of mail :) I'm always amused when I tell people what I do and the response is, "your house must be beautiful!" The reality is that designers are people with families and budgets, too. And if you are working hard, doing life right, and have your priorities in order, I think it's inevitable that your house is sometimes chaotic and undone. At least that's what I tell myself, LOL.

  15. CAROL! This looks so fantastic I can hardly stand it. I want the chair for myself! I also love the trim on the drapes. Thanks for sharing your in-progress space!!

  16. Honestly, you upholstered that lovely chair? I love the office so far!

  17. Oh...I love how the desk looks now especially with that pink chair. Love the curtains in this room too...Very nice!

  18. I can't believe that is the same space. I am learning that a little bit of color and some great looking fabric really make a room look professionally decorated. Great job! I could snuggle up on that chair.
