Friday, July 6, 2012

Thank You, Carla Aston Designed!

Have you checked out Carla Aston's new website, Carla Aston Designed?  You MUST!

Carla and I started blogging about the same time a couple of years ago, and she has taken a giant leap, creating Carla Aston Designed, a gorgeous new website, while launching her online business.  Already a success in her hometown of The Woodlands, Texas, Carla is taking her business to the next level, and I wish her all the best. 

I've been incredibly blessed to meet some fantastic designers and design enthusiasts through my own blogs, and I'm proud to say that Carla Aston is among them.  Take the time to visit her, won't you?  She has great inspiration in her portfolio.

Thanks, Carla, for the Link Love you showed me and House and Home Defined on your debut of Carla Aston Designed.  This thanks is overdue, but comes with no less gratefulness.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July from Newport, RI

Happy 4th of July!

I got chills on my arm this morning, watching the "Colonials" sound off the cannons with a 21 gun salute, followed by some taps and a moment of silence for all who secured our freedom.  It took place on Memorial Square.  We watched some kids in a pie eating contest, had a picnic lunch by the water, and we'll end the day with a sunset and fireworks.  No matter what, it's still a great thing to be an American.

I hope you are enjoying your day.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sony Bloggie Camera -- Worth Buying

Hope you are enjoying a great 4th of July celebration!

My daughter has a Sony Bloggie camera -- hers was about $179 over a year ago, and though a newer model has taken its place, I thought I'd show you what it can do -- it's a great little camera/video recorder that I'm sure can do more than I know about.  I believe you can still score them for $99 online, but my guess is the newer models are killer.

The other day, she told me she was going out to take some pictures in the garden.  Check out the quality of her shots.  This little camera seriously rocks.  (And, okay, I'll admit this is also an excuse to show off her good eye.  Designer by day, but always a mom.)

Isn't the clarity crazy for a little camera like that?  I don't know why it's called the Bloggie, I must confess.

The clarity is lost a bit on the next one, but I loved the composition...

And here's the photographer's self-portrait...

Were they cropped?  Nope.  Color enhanced?  Nope.  Magnified?  Nope.  All just normal setting stuff, no editing.  I swear.  The little camera is brilliant, I tell you.

My husband gave my girls these cameras this past Christmas, thinking they might like them.  Um.  Good choice. :)

Unrelated, but Happy Fourth of July my friends!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Before and After: Orange Bedroom Progress

Here's a peek at what's been going on in my daughter's bedroom makeover.  We still have furniture to paint, slipcovers to make, and lighting to install.  (So it's been moving at a snail's pace for 6 months...I've still got a couple of years until college!)  But, here's where I'm at...

My girl loves orange like here mama, so her totally blue room...

Has been striped and fabric'd in a bit of modern orange...

These phone pictures are pretty crappy, but it gives you an idea of what's going on with the room.  I need to finish the bedding, too.

If you've been wondering if I fell off the face of the planet, not so.  Just super busy with life stuff.  But, I do have some great posts coming up for July.  I hope you'll stick around.

Good luck with any last-minute 4th of July planning!  What are you up to?