Friday, July 8, 2011

Tobacco Sheds in Black and White

Yes, you are still on my design blog.  No, I have not taken up smoking or the cause of the tobacco farmer, but I am taken with the tired, rustic beauty of abandoned tobacco sheds in North Carolina. (All photos by me.)

I was in North Carolina with my family visiting our friends over the 4th, and as we went here and there I kept being drawn to these sheds.  There was something so beautiful and so tired about them, languishing in the hot summer sun, defying defeat.  So, I made my girlfriend take me out early one morning to capture some images.  And yes, if you saw from your window earlier this week a woman taking pictures, that was me in your field,  in my pajamas and bed-head,  with coffee waiting in the car.

Here are more...

And here, in honor of the 4th of July and  love for country , I end with this...

Talk to you soon,

Let's work together for the home you've always wanted.  Email me at


  1. Carol, these are so cool and I am with you, they are pretty fascinating to look at. I think the black and white images are perfection,Kathysue

  2. Carol,
    Beautiful photos! I love the texture of decay. It was very smart to do them in B&W.

  3. I love them too. Our house came with an old shed. All we are going to do it put a new roof on and leave the rest.. It just holds garden tools, I wish it was "pretty" but I can't part with the old thing!

  4. WOW! Those pictures look amazing posted in black & white. I love those sheds and had a fun time taxiing you around in our pajamas and bedhead! Miss you already!

  5. Nice photos Carol! Love the drama of black and white images. Beautiful!

  6. Loving them too!I love those sheds and the simple beauty of this barn!Black and White looks Great!

  7. i love these photos... esp that last one... so americana...
    happy to have found you... xx pam
