Sunday, June 30, 2013

Okay, I'll Admit It

  I can't keep up with two blogs!  Are you going to kill me when I ask you to leave here and subscribe to

So many of you immediately subscribed to 6 Wilson when I asked, and I am so grateful.  But now that I have established Carol Beck Interiors and gone back to work for myself, two blogs is two too much ;-)

I have combined 6 Wilson and House and Home Defined into Carol Beck Interiors blog, so that I can keep in touch with my readers without making them crazy.  This is it!  No more moves ;-)

6 Wilson on Etsy continues to grow, and I will soon be in a physical location, with more on that to come.

Please join me at today for my new series, A Room From A Pillow, where I'm going to be doing design boards using a pillow for inspiration.

Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for your support.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Series: A Room from a Pillow

We all know that there needs to be an inspiration piece for designing a space.  Maybe it's art, or color, or furniture, but I've decided to do a series where the inspiration is, of all fabulous things, a pillow.
I hope you'll hang out and follow along :-)

First up, I'm starting with this citrine and white linen baby, found here...

In my head, I saw this in a room that was traditional with a twist (my favorite kind), and what I came up with was this...

The drapes are a Schumacher fabric, which has the same yellow-green of the pillow (which just doesn't show right in the picture - argggh), and for an "off-match" I went for a more true yellow in a modern geometric.  It's important to add some fresh, modern patterns in a traditional room, so the overall affect is not a big yawn  too staid. ;-)  Same with the iron side table, lamp, and rug -- mixing it up keeps the interest going and gives some much needed texture.  

For a pop of contrast, I added the bright persimmon silk pillows, also found here, for a bit of the unexpected. 

I thought it would be fun to challenge myself a bit and see how many looks I can come up with as a result of a pillow.   As you all know from 6 Wilson, I'm pillow obsessed, so stay tuned...

Hope you are enjoying your summer,

Friday, June 21, 2013

I've Launched Carol Beck Interiors and What I've Been Up To

A little over a month ago, I made the decision to go back into business for myself as Carol Beck Interiors.  Woohoo!!  What a ride the past few weeks have been!  So why did I do it?  Well, it's that "now or never" thing that had been nagging at me.  A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...

Here's what's been keeping me busy...

I had been working on this small sitting room for some time, with these fabrics having been selected, and the grass cloth below having been put in the back of the book shelves.  A chaise in the Manuel Canovas fabric will soon be delivered, with a pillow in the silk suzanni, and the geometric (finally off back-order) is currently being put on two gorgeous chairs...

Today, I brought my client this rug sample, and I think it is a great solution to the need for something to keep the room monochromatic, with a small scale pattern.  (You know computer colors are always a little wonky.)

After that, we move on to tables and accessories.  (I always try to respect the pace at which my clients wants to get things done.)

On another front, I had done the drapes and roman shades in another client's dining room two years ago, and now they are tackling the adjacent sitting room.  Here's the dining room...

With a roman shade in the inset long window...

I had done their living room maybe four years ago, and I think it's still looking pretty fresh...

So, when they called me to handle this sitting room space, I was thrilled.  I love working with this couple, they make my job so easy...

Their first priority is grass cloth on the walls and window treatments.  Here's what's been approved...

My plan is to bring a mix of blues with some subtle coral accents into this space in the furnishings.  On this wall below,  it will be roman shades in the same fabric, and I'm looking for the perfect bar cart or cabinet...

Can you see it?  I say I respect my client's pace, but inside, I'm dying to get it all done and see it come together, no matter what the project ;-)

Off the sitting room is the newly renovated kitchen (they did a kick-butt job, on their own, with the finishes).  We've decided on the fabrics below for the windows -- the embroidery on cornices and the sheer on the slider (if they decide to do the sheer, which they initially wanted, I will be custom staining a traverse rod to coordinate with the cornice of the sink, and nixing the slider cornice).

On yet another front, I found this gorgeous chest for a client's foyer, which will compete with an antique I found this week, and I can't wait to see what she thinks of these pieces.

In addition to client work, I've been working on new pillows in designer fabrics for 6 Wilson, my home accessory shop on etsy, along with collecting some one of a kind pieces to offer in the near future.

I want to thank all of you who have followed me, both as clients and readers, as I have moved from blog to blog and place to place.  It really means a lot.  I love what I do, and I hope to continue to share that passion for a long time ;-)

In the coming weeks, I will be tweaking the blog (it's not perfect yet, but if I waited you'd never hear from me!), sharing my design life and whatever moves me along the way!

Talk to you soon,